philosophie blog

Vegetarian, Vegan, Raw: When Categories Don't Work

Generally this is the way my conversations pan out: Person:"So what do you eat? are you a vegan?" ME: "well, I am mostly vegan but I eat fish." Person: "Wait,...

Vegetarian, Vegan, Raw: When Categories Don't Work

Generally this is the way my conversations pan out: Person:"So what do you eat? are you a vegan?" ME: "well, I am mostly vegan but I eat fish." Person: "Wait,...

Protein High Foods-What Food Provides Enough?

Protein High Foods-What Food Provides Enough?

The Protein Myth: Let's Get Down to the Truth Here! PROTEIN PROTEIN PROTEIN! A 6-ounce broiled porterhouse steak is a great source of protein—38 grams worth. But it also delivers...


Protein High Foods-What Food Provides Enough?

The Protein Myth: Let's Get Down to the Truth Here! PROTEIN PROTEIN PROTEIN! A 6-ounce broiled porterhouse steak is a great source of protein—38 grams worth. But it also delivers...

Manifest A New Years Resolution That Will Stick!

Manifest A New Years Resolution That Will Stick!

New Year's resolutions. What does this even mean? Let's make it mean something to you, something tangible and real. It's easy to blurt out some grand intentions for the New...

Manifest A New Years Resolution That Will Stick!

New Year's resolutions. What does this even mean? Let's make it mean something to you, something tangible and real. It's easy to blurt out some grand intentions for the New...

Dark green, leafy vegetables enhances vitamin A...

A randomized, double-blind, controlled study was conducted to determine whether the consumption of leafy vegetables by preschool children would enhance their serum vitamin A concentration to acceptable levels. The importance...

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Dark green, leafy vegetables enhances vitamin A...

A randomized, double-blind, controlled study was conducted to determine whether the consumption of leafy vegetables by preschool children would enhance their serum vitamin A concentration to acceptable levels. The importance...

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Quick Sea Vegetable Salad

Cucumber Arame (sea vegetable) Salad 1-2 oz Arame 4 cucumbers, peeled and very thinly sliced 2 tsp sea salt 1 red pepper, diced 1 small red onion, diced 1/3 cup...

Quick Sea Vegetable Salad

Cucumber Arame (sea vegetable) Salad 1-2 oz Arame 4 cucumbers, peeled and very thinly sliced 2 tsp sea salt 1 red pepper, diced 1 small red onion, diced 1/3 cup...

Health Challenge: Go Dairy-Free for 7 Days

From January 1st to January 7th I challenge you to go Dairy-free. That's right folks: no milk in your cereal, cream cheese on your bagel or cheese with your wine!...

Health Challenge: Go Dairy-Free for 7 Days

From January 1st to January 7th I challenge you to go Dairy-free. That's right folks: no milk in your cereal, cream cheese on your bagel or cheese with your wine!...