Health Challenge: Go Dairy-Free for 7 Days

From January 1st to January 7th I challenge you to go Dairy-free.

That's right folks: no milk in your cereal, cream cheese on your bagel or cheese with your wine! But you better believe it will be an incredible week and I will offer PLENTY of alternatives!!!!!

Reasons to avoid dairy:

  • Dairy products may have a significant amount of dairy fat, which is animal fat. Any pesticides, hormones, or other unhealthy things that may be given to animals tend to be concentrated in their fat.
  • Digestive issues. This is the number one reason I went Dairy-free.
  • obesity and weight issues in children and adults.
  • weak bones. no, you aren't reading wrong! a study determined that women who drank 3 cups of milk per day lost bone mass.
  • Diabetes. in fact, more than 90 studies have been devoted to the link between the protein in dairy products and the development of insulin-dependent diabetes.

Get the support you need at Philosophie... and we'll do it as a team!

$29 includes:

  • non-dairy recipes delivered to your inbox

  • daily blog post with information, studies, research and personal support

  • emails sent to your inbox with reminders, motivation and tips on eating out

  • learn about yourself and your habits

  • education and skills you get to keep for a lifetime

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