The Benefits of Filtered Water in Your Superfood Coffee-Philosophie

The Benefits of Filtered Water in Your Superfood Coffee

Big Berkey and Sophie Jaffe

We LOVE starting our day with superfood coffee. It has all we need to energize us and fuel our body for the day. But there’s something about a fresh cup of coffee at your local coffee shop that tastes SO good. Curious why that is? It’s hard to brew coffee that tastes as good as coffee brewed in a shop. That is, if you normally use plain faucet water.

The reason why coffee shops have a better-tasting brew is that they use filtered water. Many companies either have filtered water faucets or use filtered water coffee brewers. While you may not have coffee shop grade machinery, you CAN produce quality coffee at home, simply by using filtered water.

Here are a few reasons why using filtered water in your homemade superfood coffee makes it 10x better! [SHOP OUR SUPERFOOD COFFEE BUNDLE AND SAVE!]

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The coffee tastes much better.

Since water makes up 98 percent of your coffee, it’s safe to say the quality of your water makes a huge difference. Companies like Berkey offer some of the best countertop water filters on the market for instantly providing clean water. Installing one of these can dramatically improve the taste of coffee you brew at home, regardless of the method you use.

It makes your water healthier.

When you drink tap water, the weird taste is because of toxins and bacteria that naturally occur in standard faucet water. So, when your coffee has a metallic aftertaste, it’s because you’re ingesting whichever metals are in your faucet.

When left unfiltered, these toxins and metals begin to negatively impact your immune system. Perfluorinated compounds, or PCUs, reduce your body's amount of healthy immune cells. This makes you vulnerable to a number of health conditions that can even be fatal.

Other compounds like chlorine can also be found in tap water. While it does help to disinfect your tap water, chlorine can be dangerous for your immune health when you inhale or ingest it.

These toxins attach to your filter, leaving you with healthier, cleaner water. So. you won’t have to feel guilty about harming yourself if you choose to have an extra cup of coffee during a stressful day.

Philosophie Superfood Coffee

It’s a cost-effective alternative to buying filtered water.

Whether you drink multiple cups of coffee throughout the day or have more than one coffee drinker in your home, buying filtered water to brew coffee everyday gets expensive. Statistics show that the average coffee drinker consumes three cups per day. Having to buy enough water to drink and make coffee everyday can add up relatively quickly.

Obviously, there are some upfront costs to purchasing a water filter. However, you will save money and time in the long run because you won’t have to leave your home when your bottles run out. In addition to cutting financial costs, you’ll also reduce your environmental footprint.

It maintains your brewing equipment longer.

Some people argue for using tap water because certain compounds in it improve the taste of coffee. However, the same minerals and compounds that bring out the flavors in your coffee damage your brewing equipment over time.

Limescale can gather in your coffee brewer without you being able to see it. Eventually, your coffee won't get as hot and your brewer will stop working. When you use filtered water, your machine stays cleaner and produces quality coffee for longer.

Even if you do use filtered water, you need to clean your coffee brewer occasionally. Descaling a coffee brewer removes excess mineral buildup. To clean your coffee brewer, you need to clear any excess water or coffee grounds from your machine. Follow up by adding equal parts water and vinegar into the water chamber and allowing your brewing cycle to run halfway through.

Turn it off and let it sit for an hour before finishing the brew cycle. Pour your vinegar mixture from your coffee carafe and repeat the process with only water a couple of times so your coffee won’t taste like vinegar.

From now on, you can ALWAYS enjoy your favorite cup of superfood coffee. With a water filtration system, you'll also never have to compromise the quality and taste of the coffee you brew at home. Be sure to do your research and find a water filter that fits your home and your budget. Both your wallet and your taste buds will thank you.

This post was written in collaboration with Big Berkey Water Filters but entirely our own thoughts and opinions!

Big Berkey and Sophie Jaffe

How do you drink your morning coffee? Share with us in the comments below!

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